How to DragonSend Near Protocol tokens?

As the NEAR ecosystem grows, there’s a need for founders to seamlessly distribute NEAR and NEP-141 standard tokens in a fast manner.Here’s a quick 4-step manual on how to do so by using, a non-tech savvy tool for everyone to use.


To successfully batch send your NEAR or NEP-141 tokens, you will need :

Step 1 - Prepare

Preparing your batch transaction is fairly simple. Head to and connect your web3 wallet. As mentioned above, Dragontech currently supports Meteor wallet, and HERE wallet.

Once connected,

  1. Enter the token name you wish to DragonSend.
  2. Enter the decimals of the token.
  3. Upload a CSV file where id and allocationAmount must present in header

Step 2 - Confirm transactions

Once every thing is filled then click "Start Token Transfer" Button

Now you can simply wait until all transactions are successfully completed.